Scrapbook (Page 8)

U k l o c k d o with n

April 1st 2020

So much has gone on this month and some massive changes have happened ---- for everyone!

Lockdown project

April 1st 2020

For some time now i've wanted to do some more embroidery - so this odd time has prompted me to make a start!

Keep smiling

April 1st 2020

Some days are a bit full on and the news is generally quite depressing :(

Day 17 proud of

March 19th 2020

Really focusing on anything positive at the moment.

Day 15 self care

March 19th 2020

Exercise is a must for me - it keeps me sane! It clears my head, stops me worrying makes me more efficient and generally a better person/mum/partner/designer!

Day 15 - help

March 19th 2020

Help for me comes in lots of different ways - support from my family is the biggest!

Day 18 technique/skill

March 19th 2020

So this morning I had a good look through some of my work drawers - I'm not a hoarder but I do tend to keep most of my work things....

Day 12 learning curve

March 12th 2020

Since beginning my career in illustration/design I have learnt so much!

Day 11 range

March 12th 2020

Over the last year I have started selling my prints on Etsy and more recently I've launched my own range of greetings cards which I sell wholesale.

Work space

March 10th 2020

Day 10 - Authentic work space


March 9th 2020

Day 7 - You


March 3rd 2020

Day 3 promt for March meet the maker is time.....