Scrapbook (Page 33)

Last day of feb

February 28th 2015

Its all been about the flowers on my blog this month x

Colour study

February 27th 2015

Some more of my combined collage and colours x


February 27th 2015

I love muted colours and don't often get chance to use them. I worked on altering the colours in this collage and created a simple repeat with subtle changes in colours. I remember during my degree do…


February 23rd 2015

I have mixed up some of my recent fabric swatches and some of my new collage flowers and created this new pattern x

College days

February 18th 2015

I often think I would love to go back and do another degree, or even just another course where I could just do experimental work and try out new techniques. I think the best year I did was my art foun…

Productive day

February 17th 2015

So in stark contrast to yesterday my creative brain turned up today. I got loads of freelance work done and managed to find time to do these. Still really like working with mixed media, so these are p…

Creative block

February 16th 2015

Some days no matter what you try, it just doesn't happen, today has been one of those days. I started things, re started them, started something new, changed the process, changed the media, looked for…

On location

February 15th 2015

We went for a walk today, up in the hills with blue skies and fresh air. The boys legged it round, climbed a few hills and ran off some energy. Good start to the day, even one of my collages made it t…

Day trip

February 15th 2015

Decided to send some of the rest of them out for a trip to the countryside...

End of the week

February 13th 2015

Sometimes Fridays take a long time to appear and this week it took a while, but its here - roll on the weekend .....

Mix up

February 13th 2015

I quite like the process of scanning in my paper based work and experimenting with different outcomes, nice to start fusing my subject matter together x


February 9th 2015

My weeks seem to go quicker - so many different things to focus on, still finding the odd spare 10 minutes or so to do some of my own work, these are a few new things from this week, simple quick but…

Collage classmates

February 2nd 2015

I keep returning to my collage faces and last night I spent half an hour giving them all brightly coloured jumpers, I think it looks like a class photo with the teacher being the bear -top left in gla…


February 1st 2015

New month - lots to do - here are some more paper based pieces and a pattern thrown in too x


January 30th 2015

So todays plans went to pot, my mum has kindly taken the boys out for a few hours, and since I have a newly decorated work room, thought i'd have a go at taping up some of my print outs. Struggling to…


January 30th 2015

A bit of a rant from me. It has snowed here over the last few days - yesterday I was at work, it snowed heavily, I then had to leave work - it took me 3 hours to drive what normally takes me 20 minute…


January 25th 2015

Had a busy week, hence no posts.


January 16th 2015

Just escaped to my screen for half an hour - today I wrote a list of all the things I would realistically like to do this year with my work. One thing that I need to do soon is open an online shop, i…

More pages

January 15th 2015

I have done some more collage work tonight, scanned it all in and created a repeat pattern, could imagine this print on pyjamas.. x