Scrapbook (Page 40)


February 28th 2014

Noting a theme of kitchen based items is occurring so thought they could work together in a pattern


February 28th 2014

I think the mugs in our house multiply, I find them everywhere, normally with half a cup of cold unfinished tea, of which I leave because I have a million other things to do, well perhaps not a millio…


February 28th 2014

Have recently set up a Instagram account, see link to the side. Again I find it an inspiring place to look and see what everyone captures through simple filtered pictures, and a nice way of recording…

Need to get making

February 27th 2014

It is my aim this year to get a little shop open, I have a few bits of my handmade items left over from the christmas markets I did, but now need to re stock and start with some new ideas....


February 26th 2014

I have had these sketches for ages they were some ideas for some fabric appliques, so scanned them in, recoloured and created a simple all over pattern

Sunny Wednesday

February 26th 2014

The sun is out and I'm designing florals for Spring 2015...happy Wednesday

Button pattern

February 26th 2014

Lined up my button sketch and made a simple pattern!

New blog!

February 24th 2014

Having followed blogs for years I have always been inspired to start my own. I am a surface pattern designer and I also make a range of handmade accessories. I hope to share my inspirations and design…


February 24th 2014

I have become a slight Pinterest addict, I find it a great way to save and sort my inspiration, my page can be viewed here