Scrapbook (Page 28)


August 18th 2015

A quick character to get me started today - lots to catch up with!


August 18th 2015

The elements I used for my last post led to me mixing up the shapes - a bit abstract but liking the colour combination x

Pen faces

August 17th 2015

Monday morning - kind of wish it was a 'normal' week- as in children at school so I can work, just looked and actually they still have 2 and a half weeks till they go back...... Sharing these pen draw…


August 16th 2015

Just back from a long weekend away - we were lucky with the weather so managed to get several beach trips in, sharing some of the photos I took whilst there. Also continued on in my sketchbook, nature…

Web design and illustration

August 12th 2015

A while a go I was contacted by the lovely Jaana from Foxella and Friends and was asked to design some new graphics for her website and Illustrate a poster for her web shop. It was a really nice job t…

Trend board

August 12th 2015

I keep seeing this on Pinterest and have meant to share it on here ages ago, I love all of Emily Kiddys trend boards so was really pleased that one of my cat illustrations featured on one!


August 10th 2015

Experimented with some new characters last night, a bit like little oriental dolls x


August 9th 2015

Not long now till all the shops will be full of autumn clothing :-( summer is going to quick - last bit from my sketchbook x


August 8th 2015

Continuing to share things from my sketchbook, I have a whole book of hand drawn geometrics x

More like summer

August 7th 2015

Its feeling more like summer today, sharing some more bits from my sketchbook x

Stop, start

August 6th 2015

Every year I underestimate how much of a struggle trying to work through the long summer holidays is. Since being back from holiday I have tried to get work done in amongst looking after or should I s…


August 4th 2015

Some more things from my sketchbook. Quite like just having a plain white book and just a bunch of coloured pens, back to basics! x


August 4th 2015

A quick pattern from a sketch x


August 3rd 2015

Just back from a 2 week break, hence no posts for a while! Sharing over the next few days some work I did in a sketchbook I took away with me. I now have a pile of things to do and 2 children to look…

Lots on the go

July 15th 2015

I have got several things on the go at once at the moment, swopping from project to project can be confusing but equally i think can be a productive way of working. I squeezed in some more of my butte…


July 14th 2015

I was kept on hold today on the phone so scribbled these butterflies - then finished on screen x

More butterflies

July 14th 2015

In amongst all my other work, I have my butterflies open on screen and keep experimenting with layouts and shapes - must stop getting distracted x


July 13th 2015

I have spent a bit of time re designing some buttons for my blog, which i'll update soon. Quite liked the circular badge idea so did these which i think could be stickers/badges for children? A few pe…

Pattern play

July 12th 2015

Enjoying the process of painting and creating patterns ... x