Degree shows
I visited the Manchester Metropolitan Degree shows recently. I did my degree at MMU, and a lot has changed since then. I did a Textile degree which was a course focusing on either print,knit or woven…
I visited the Manchester Metropolitan Degree shows recently. I did my degree at MMU, and a lot has changed since then. I did a Textile degree which was a course focusing on either print,knit or woven…
A bit of a random post of new things mainly from my sketchbook. Some collage and some line drawings, not sure what these are intended for but they tend to be things i do when I have a bit of time away…
Loving doing these collages! Felt really inspired this week, I visited the MMU -Manchester Metroplolitan university degree shows - will post my pictures soon. I did my degree there, alot has changed s…
A few new things from over the weekend - still really enjoy doing paper based work, as much as I also like working digitally I still like to produce work directly with pens and paper. I have always re…
I have just started a new online class which I am really looking forward to, essentially I can use Illustrator but realise there is so much of the vast programme I just don't know. I am self taught an…
I have done some further ideas combining my drawings with fabric and stitch. I think these could work framed or possibly photographed then printed, not sure where they will end up but I think I will j…
I am managing to keep up with my book, I have no real theme for what I draw, sometimes a page in a magazine inspires me or images on pinterest. I started a board on vintage tins, I love the old typogr…
It's been ages since I actually did any stitch based work, time just seems to go so quickly and I still would love to create a small collection of 'things' to sell (not sure what those things will be…
I spotted some of my designs today on boys Pyjamas in Sainsburys for their TU collection. So nice to see where your work ends up and equally good because I have 2 boys and my youngest will love these!
It is the first of June and the sun is out! There is lots happening in June, the world cup is big news in our house, my eldest son is football mad and it's his first proper World cup that he can follo…
This month has flown by, can't believe it is June tomorrow. I signed up for an online course last night, which I will add details of in the next few days - it looks great, can't wait to start it. I am…
It has been an aim of mine for a while to keep a sketchbook, I'm always drawing/doodling and getting ideas on paper for both my freelance work and my own personal work. Bought myself a new book yester…
I came across some really lovely pinners recently. Yeline Rico has an extensive collection of boards all of which are really muted and such a sophisticated selection of imagery, a definite one to foll…
Whilst working today I was still getting distracted by experimenting with some of the elements of my competition entry, these could work as little stickers or stamps...?? now need to find another comp…
A while ago I bought myself a packet of fabric trimmings from Umbrella trimmings for their annual competition. I have seen entries over the years and have always admired the fabrics and prints so thou…
Had such a productive spell with my work, great to get really involved in my design work and working under pressure normally helps. This month is flying by so many things on the go but love being busy…
Love that at this time of the year all design studios/designers release their Surtex flyers. So many nice examples, great mix of typography and images, I have a whole board dedicated to show flyers on…
Sometimes my scanner has a mind of its own and decides to make me wait, so whilst it was doing its thing I did this ...
Busy with lots of things at the moment, trying to give as much as I can to my freelance work. Have a pile of things on my desk to finish - did squeeze in a bit of time t0 create these though, enjoy ju…