Day 12 learning curve
Thursday, March 12th 2020
Since beginning my career in illustration/design I have learnt so much!
When I left university all my work was created on fabric with stitch and collage/paint.
I felt completely daunted at the prospect of going 'digital' !!
About 10 years ago I invested in a Mac and slowly taught myself the digital way of working, it takes patience but it's worth the investment.
I gradually got more and more confidence with programs such as photoshop and Illustrator, for a long time I just worked in photoshop but now I live in Illustrator and love it! I rarely use photoshop now.
There are still times now where i find myself googling how to use a tool, and when I discover new ways of working it makes my day!
Over the years I've worked in lots of different ways, digital, collage, paint, stitch and i've realised that whilst the vast majority of my work is digital it's really important to go back to basics and use materials and make a mess!
As you can see from the picture the techniques I use are diverse - I think it's important as a freelancer to show clients you can do lots of different looks whilst still keeping an identity to your portfolio x.