Wednesday, March 4th 2020
Day 4 - Branding
This prompt made me think .... (very dangerous the thinking thing...)
In very simple terms branding for me is how I represent my style and more obviously how I 'brand' my imagery and website etc
I always make sure all work I post carries my name - this is soooo important. When I first began really using social media etc I was really aware of how your artwork can travel. The best example of this is once I saw an image of mine on Pinterest and it had been re pinned over 10 thousand times! People re pin your work and if it has no identity then it can easily get lost or even given a 'new' identity.
I create all my own hand drawn type to make fonts and lettering - I think this gives a much more authentic feel to your work and links well with my style of drawing etc.
I faff a lot with imagery - and i'm not good at making decisions - so when it comes to finding a collection of images to represent me - it takes a while and is ever changing!
So I suppose I could say in aesthetic terms I am best represented by elephants, birds, plants and cats........