Sunday, April 6th 2014
It seems a reoccurring theme is emerging, had a number of ideas relating to some sketches I did of birds. Also had a mention on a few blogs over the last few days - nice to get some comments about my work. Firstly Rebecca Stoner included one of my owls within her Fab Friday Finds montage, really nice to see my work on there!

Secondly a mention from Emma Frances and recognition for all my hours spent collating images on Pinterest - thankyou!

Returning back to my Bird ideas, I have done some more appliques based on some simple sketches - still not sure what to do for the Umbrella Prints trimmings competition, I'm really bad at making decisions and quite often over think everything. These little ideas have led to an idea to use the fabric which I now just need to do and stop faffing.

Finally scanned in my drawings and experimented with some ideas to a pattern, I would like to at some point get some of my designs printed on fabric, noticed a lot of people use Spoonflower which is a company based in the US who print designs onto various fabric types. Would be great to work with my own patterns when making purses and bags etc.

One final simple bird print...